645. a ravishing antique Fachralo Kazak rug

Fachralo or Fakhraly Kazak or Gendge Caucasian rug

645. Provenance: Fachralo (Fakhraly/Fakhralo), Kazak area, Georgia/Armenia borders, The Caucasus

Size: 275 x 128 cm

Age: Circa 1890

Condition: Mostly good for its high age. Allover low pile.

Notes: Vibrant natural colours throughout. Strong design, with central square medallion surrounded by field of tribal motifs, stylized flowerheads and animals. At one end is what appears to be a 'mihrab' (semi-circular niche in a mosque wall indicating the direction of Mecca), and thus lends an almost prayer-rug appearance to the rug. This is quite a common feature in Fachralos. Highly collectable.

