497. an antique Fashralo Kazak Caucasian rug

Antique Fashralo Kazak Caucasian Rug

497. Provenance: Fachralo (or Fekhraly), Kazak type, Southern Armenia, The Caucasus

Size: 262 x 162 cm

Age: Circa 1910

Condition: Good for age with evenly short pile.

Notes: A superb antique Fachralo, with three well-spaced angular medallions in an indigo field full of tribal motifs. The rich red inner border shares the interesting snake-like motif of the main field, but also includes, most unusually, fan-tailed birds more associated with the nearby Kazak town of Akstafa. The colours are great, particularly the pale indigo blue and the saffron/indigo green. A collector piece.



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