786. a prestigious Malayer 'Alder Eagle' runner

Old Malayer Persian Runner

786. Provenance: Malayer, western Persia (design: Karabagh Chelaberd, South Caucasus)

Age: Circa 1950

Size: 330 x 108 cm

Condition: Very good.

Notes: The original Eagle Adlers are considered to be one of the pinnacles of tribal rug weaving and are highly prized by collectors. Caucasian rugs from the late 19th century in general are considered to be amongst the finest anywhere in terms of colours and heraldic simplicity of design. This design is commonly known as the ‚Äòsunburst‚Äô, ‚Äòstar‚Äô or ‚Äòeagle‚Äô pattern, and is thought to have derived from the older dragon rugs, and possibly influenced by the Imperial Russian eagle standard. This piece is woven across the border in Iran/Persia, on a cotton foundation. Lovely, strong, bright colours.


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